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U5 DIVISION - 2018-2019



The focus of our U5 Division is to build a great love of the sport for our kids that are just starting soccer or beginning to understand the basics of soccer.  Helping kids become more confident and skilled with the basics of the soccer will build confidence moving up to the next level of the game.  Players will learn as an individual at their own comfort level and also learn to participate and play with a team.


This division is designed into shorter game times, allowing for practice/development time on our scheduled game days twice per week.  U5 Soccer time will be 60 minutes (25 min. practice time – 10 min. snack break – 25 min. game time).  


We also focus on a reduced number of players on the field and stop time for rotation of players during the 30 minute game time portion of the hour, to give the kids more opportunity to participate and also enough rest time especially on the hot days.  


Please make sure that your child attends their practice time.  This is an important part of their skills learning and team building.




All players during practice time will have a ball to participate with during their learning and skills instruction. All too often at the Novice age level, some kids may play an entire game or possibly games without touching the ball. Our plan is to provide coaches with enough balls so that all players will have a ball in their feet for the duration of practice time. If we can teach each child with ball in feet for 20 minutes/twice a week, we will see their potential and build confidence and skills.


Running – learn to run with a ball in their feet

Stopping – learn to stop the ball and change direction

Kicking – learn to place kick and kick on the run

Passing – learn to pass back and forth

Shooting – learn to kick on the goal

Positions – learn basic areas of the field, boundaries, simplified positions

Team Building – learn importance of being a teammate - how each child can make difference as a team player


We are going to do our best to make this a great and fun learning experience for the kids. Every child has different skill levels, whether beginning to learn soccer or have been playing a few years in this division. So, our goal is to work with the range of skills and give them the ability to practice and see that they can make a difference out on the field during a game. All players are equal.




U6 division does not have a playoff, as no standings are kept for this division. The games can end in a tie, as there is no shoot-out for this division. It is very important to focus on the aspect of fair play and sportsmanship and try to have all the players leave with a smile and want to come back next game day. This division is an introduction to Stoney Point Soccer and we want the children to develop a love and desire to play the game, while preparing them for their future playing years in soccer.




The first priority of the Novice division has to be that the players have fun. The coaches are asked to go on the field with the players and give instructions as well as positive comments to the players. The coaches are also the referees of the game, calling out of bounds, awarding throw-ins and stopping the play in a potentially dangerous situation, etc.


Each coach will be supplied with a practice bag that will include all the equipment needed to work with the kids during the practice time.


We will be supplying the coaches with some basic drills to work with the kids. And our coaches also have some great ideas.


Sometimes during the practice session, the coaches may be conducting fun drills or activities, where it would be helpful to have some parents assist.  If a parent is interested in helping out they should let their coach know, so they are aware and comfortable with calling out for volunteers.


PLAYER EQUIPMENT - Stoney Point Soccer Club requires that players in all divisions wear soccer shoes and shin pads.


LENGTH OF GAMES - 25 min. practice time – 10 min. snack – 25 min. game time


During the very hot part of soccer season, the coach may decide to break up the intervals to allow for more frequent water breaks.


In the event of bad weather, the club website will have postings regarding game cancellations.  U5 division doesn’t fall under the same requirements of season games as the tykes, junior and intermediate fields do.  The coaches may need to remind their parents that even when a game is cancelled in the novice division, not all fields may follow the same cancellation policy.  Sometimes the field conditions on the U5 field may be the reason for the cancellation.  Make-up games are not always necessary at the U5 division, but as a league Stoney Point Soccer will always try to re-schedule a game, permitting there is time in the regular season to do so.  Weather conditions during a game can change at any time and at the sight of lightning the game will be stopped and the players will be ordered off the fields to safety, typically waiting in their cars for about 30 minutes, to see if the storm will pass.  Otherwise the game will be called on account of the weather.



This rule is in accordance with our liability insurance showing due diligence to keep everyone safe while participating with Stoney Point Soccer Club.



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