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STARTING THE GAME -  Each team can place up to 11 players on the field at one time (10+goalie=11 players). It is necessary to have at least 7 players present to make the game official. A team playing with less than 7 players will be forced to forfeit the game. The game will start at the center of the field. The team who kicks off passes the ball forward to a teammate, at the referees signal. The opposing team is not allowed to enter the center circle until the team kicks off. The player who is kicking off the ball is not allowed to be the next player to touch the ball, in other words the kick off needs to be passed to another player.


GAME IS IN PLAY - As long the ball stays in the field. The only exception is when the referee blows the whistle for an infraction or offside. The ball is considered in play as long as it is inside the goal and side lines. Furthermore, it's still in play as long as it has contact with the line. Therefore, the ball may be touching the outer part of the goal or side line and still be considered in play. This applies if the ball is in the air as well, contact off of the goal post or referee, bringing the ball back into the field is still considered in play. The referee is considered a fixture of the field.


PLAYER SUBSTITUTIONS - Can only happen when the ball is not in play and your team has possession. A couple examples are; it's a throw in for your team, or goal kick for your team. Substitutions cannot be made when the ball is in play (even if your goalie has the ball in his/her hands, this is still in play). When the team with possession calls for a substitution, the opposing team at that time can then request for a substitution as well.


THROW INS - If the ball crosses the sideline it is a throw in. The team who did not touch the ball last before the ball crossed the line gets the throw in. A throw in will be done in accordance with the referee’s whistle, a player must have both feet on the ground and throw the ball with both hands over head. The player throwing in the ball cannot throw the ball in and then kick it; it must be played off another player. For teaching purposes it may be allowed that players in the Younger Divisions be given more than 1 attempt, this courtesy is only given during the regular season, once playoffs start players should know the rules of throw in. If a throw in is done improperly possession of the ball will go to the other team.


GOALS - The point of the game is to get the ball in the opposing team’s goal. The team with the most goals after the specified time is the winner. The ball must cross the goal line to be a goal. Therefore, if the ball is still in contact with the goal line in the inner part of the goal it is not a goal. The referee will have full discretion in regards to any final decisions.


NO HANDS! - Only the goalie can use their hands. The definition for hand ball is any part of between your fingers (including nails) to your upper arm. Your shoulder is actually legal to use! The proper way to look at this soccer rule is that a player cannot “handle” the ball. A ball that is kicked and hits a player’s hand or arm is not always called a hand ball. This means that the referee must use his or her own judgment to some extent in determining whether or not a hand ball is accidental contact or a purposeful attempt to gain an advantage. Goalkeepers cannot pick up a pass that came directly from one of their teammates. In this case, the goalkeeper must use their feet. This is sometimes called the back-pass rule. Infraction of this soccer rule will result in an indirect kick from the point of the infraction. The goalie is also not allowed to use their hands outside of the penalty box or 18’ box as it may be called. If the goalie passes this line they’re considered a field player and no longer recognized as the goalie.


OFFSIDE - Occurs when a striker (player) from the opposing team is behind the defending teams defence, without possession of the ball. If the striker is passed the ball, the referee will call offside. Offside will also be called even if the striker (player) from the opposing team is behind the defending teams defence and never takes possession. If the defending team travels into the penalty area or 18’ box and scores, because of the passive offside by the player, the goal will not be counted. Simply put, a player can’t hang out at the other team’s goal area waiting for the ball, or be in that area without possession. A player can’t be offside if they`re standing on their half of the field.


CORNER KICKS & GOALIE KICKS - If the ball crosses the goal Line two things may occur. If the team that is defending that goal line touches it out, it is a corner kick. If the team attacking that goal kicks it out, it is a goal kick. The goal kick can be taken by any player, not just the goalkeeper. The corner kick is taken from the corner nearest to where the ball left the field. At the Tykes level, a goal kick may need to be retaken. The ball is not back “in play” until it leaves the penalty area, the large 18’ box outside of the goalie. No one can touch the ball until it leaves the penalty area, and if the ball is not kicked properly to leave the area, the kick must be retaken.


FOULS - A player cannot kick, trip, jump at, charge, strike, push, hold, grab or spit at an opponent. Soccer can be a physical, contact sport when two opposing players both want the soccer ball. Bumping or going shoulder-to-shoulder while competing for a ball is not a foul until the hands or elbows come up. This is a bit of a judgment call and not all referees will call it the same way. This is a bit of a judgment call and the safety of our players is the first priority. Remembering the referee is ALWAYS right.


DIRECT & INDIRECT KICKS - The difference between the two is this: On a direct kick a player can score by kicking the ball directly into the goal. On an indirect kick a player cannot score. An indirect kick must be touched by another player before it can go into the goal, that is the kicker and a second person. In general, a direct kick comes from a contact foul or hand ball, which happens outside of the penalty box. Everything else is indirect.


PENALTY KICKS - Results from a contact foul or hand ball by the defending team within the penalty area or the large 18’ box on either end of the field. It’s a type of direct kick also. The ball is placed on the penalty spot, in front of the center of the goal. All players must remain outside the penalty area and the penalty arc until the ball is kicked. The goalkeeper must have both feet on the goal line until the ball is kicked. If after the ball is kicked, it rebounds off of the goal or the goal keeper and stays on the field, the ball is “live” and anyone can play it.


TIE GAMES - In the event of a tie game, a 5-man shoot out will be held to decide the winning team. The goalie that was in net at the end of the game MUST remain in net for the shoot out. The goalie is also allowed to be counted in, as one of the shooters in the shoot out. If the game is still tied at that point, then it becomes a sudden death situation. Each team will select another shooter to continue until one team scores and the other doesn’t. No player can shoot twice unless all of the players present on their team have had a turn shooting.


PLAYER EQUIPMENT - Stoney Point Soccer Club requires that players in all divisions wear soccer shoes and shin pads.


LENGTH OF GAMES - Midget games are 35 minutes per half & 10 minutes for half time


During the very hot part of soccer season, the referee may decide to break up the intervals to allow for more frequent water breaks.


WINNING TEAM SCORE  - All winning teams must submit their score before the next game.


STANDINGS  Will be kept with a point system by the League Committee.

3points for a win

0 points for a loss

1 point for a tie

In the event of a tie in the standings at the end of the season, the tie breaking formula will be as follows:  Most wins head to head!


WEATHER CONDITIONS - In the event of bad weather, the league website will have postings regarding game cancellations. At the sight of lightning during a game, the game will be stopped and the players will be ordered off the fields to safety, typically waiting in their cars for about 15 minutes, to see if the storm will pass. If at least half of the game has already been played, the score will stand if the game cannot be resumed in a timely manner to keep with the schedule.


This rule is in accordance with our liability insurance showing due diligence to keep everyone safe while participating in Stoney Point Soccer.

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